What is another word for variable in math
What is another word for variable in math

what is another word for variable in math

  • How does alcohol use influence reaction times while driving? The amount of alcohol a participant ingests is the independent variable, while their performance on the driving test is the dependent variable.
  • Do first-born children learn to speak at a younger age than second-born children? In this example, the dependent variable is the age at which the child learns to speak and the independent variable is whether the child is first- or second-born.
  • what is another word for variable in math

    How long does it take people to respond to different sounds? In this example, the length of time it takes participants to respond to a sound is the dependent variable, while the sounds are the independent variable.Does listening to classical music help students earn better grades on a math exam? In this example, the scores on the math exams are the dependent variable and classical music is the independent variable.How does a specific therapeutic technique influence the symptoms of psychological disorders? In this case, the dependent variable might be defined as the severity of the symptoms a patient is experiencing, while the independent variable would be the use of a specific therapy method. Variable definition: Something that is variable changes quite often, and there usually seems to be no fixed.

    what is another word for variable in math

    How does stress influence memory? In this example, the dependent variable might be scores on a memory test and the independent variable might be exposure to a stressful task.The researcher could also change the independent variable by instead evaluating how age or gender influence test scores. How does the amount of time spent studying influence test scores? In this example, the amount of studying would be the independent variable and the test scores would be the dependent variable.

    What is another word for variable in math